Do any of your older kids pick out their own outfits the night before? Or do you choose everyone's? And do they get to have any of their own clothes in their rooms, to have a sense of personalizing/ownership?
This is such a great question because I often wonder this of other mom's with family closets!
1. All our children definitely have a certain flavor ;) and that comes out in their clothing as well as their personality. I used to make 90% of my girl's clothing (I am now down to about 50%) but when I do make their clothing, usually they are right there with me helping with their own design, choosing their fabric and styles.
Within the liberty of being an individual, however, there are very firm and very clear boundaries. One of those boundaries for our girls is MODESTY. No extra skin showing, no skirts shorter than the knee unless leggings or jeans are worn underneath. For the boys, we emphasize RESPECT. All their clothing should remain respectful...not only for others, but for themselves.
2. None of the kids have clothing in their own room...even my clothing is in the family closet. The reason we decided to do this was because we were finding clothing everywhere...they will take things off and leave them where they lie...or try 50 things on before finally choosing what to wear and leave the 49 other outfits on the floor!! Clothing, for a family of almost 9, is an investment. And since I do not have the time to hover over each child to make sure they are taking care of this investment, I was going to do it in a manner where I am the example. I am the head sergeant of the Family Closet! ;)
But, many times I will send down one of the big kids to lay out every one's clothing for the next day...they enjoy this when I choose them. They are a little strange like their mama!!
Hope that helps with that question!!
Will you find out the sex of your precious little baby soon? fact, we go in on the 7th of this month for my 20 week ultrasound!!
I have had a couple children that we have not found out, but I find that with my maniac planning tendencies...I HAVE TO KNOW!!!
Do you ever have a bad day?
Yes...many of them...and most days, a few bad moments are included. ;)
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
Philippians 4:8
This is a verse we as a family are working on memorizing together. On those bad days and in those bad moments...I have now come to realize that it is not because we have failed on that day or in that moment.
We are all human...we are all sinners and only by the grace and mercy of God do we have good days!! ;)
When we are in the midst of "bad", first we try to focus on what is true, honest, just, pure, lovely good report, virtue and praise and then we adjust our lives a little in that moment in order to move that direction. If it means taking a little time off of school to play a game or do a fun science experiment or ever write a few thank you cards, then that is what we do...or if I am just needing to take a step back, I either put on a video for the kids to watch while I can have a moment or will put one of my big kids in charge for a bit. Usually it only takes a minor step back to regain perspective and we are good to go once again!
I have a question! When can I send you another gender party box??? I guess I need to get that together soon!!! man it seems like yesterday we were doing this for Canaan!
I miss you terribly!!!
I have heard about family closets and am intested to see how they work for different families. We just have 3 kiddos right now, but hopefully there will be a few more in the future. The laundry at this point keeps me crazy busy though! How many loads do you do in a normal week, and are there any particular things you do to keep laundry down to a minimum?
Congrats on the new little one! So exciting! It will be fun to see if it is a boy or girl! Blessings!
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